Oceana Staff Archives | Page 11 of 20 | Oceana

Mark Dowd

Mark Dowd joined Oceana’s development team as Director of Operations in 2020.  Mark has been working in non-profit philanthropy for the past 10 years in large healthcare and disaster relief organizations.  Prior to that Mark worked for an automotive marketing company providing a multi-channel marketing CRM to auto dealerships across the United States.He holds a … Read more

Mariana Aziz

Mariana studied Law at ITAM and later a Master in Environmental Law and Public Policy at UCL, London. From the beginning of her career as a lawyer, she felt passionate about environmental law and began to study issues related to environmental justice, the relationship that exists between law and environmental impacts on vulnerable communities. She … Read more

Miguel Rivas Soto

Miguel’s main motivation is to make this world a better place for everyone by offering his skills as a scientist to the protection of the environments and nature, particularly the oceans.  Miguel Rivas has a PhD in biological sciences from the Institute of Ecology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Same university where he … Read more

Marla Valentine

Dr. Marla ‘Max’ine Valentine is a new addition to Oceana taking on the role of Illegal Fishing and Transparency Analyst. Marla graduated from Louisiana State University in 2013 with a Master of Science in Oceanography that centered on deep-sea benthic ecology using ROVs following the Deepwater Horizon Incident. She defended her doctorate at Old Dominion University in 2018 focusing on biogeochemical cycling … Read more

Irene Campmany

Irene joined Oceana Europe to be part of the communications department, mainly charged with giving visibility to the Plastics campaign and the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing work, as well as ensuring the organisations’ media relations and its presence on social media channels and digital platforms. She is a communications specialist with experience in environmental … Read more

Emily Fairless

Like the mountain, the ocean has always fascinated me and filled me with awe and some fear: of its powerful potential, its beauty and the uncertainty of what lies on closer look. I have many happy memories of holidays by the sea, whilst keeping a safe distance to the shore. After working to fight fraud … Read more

Silvia García

Wasting and squandering natural resources form part of our way of life. As if these resources were inexhaustible. Evidently, this is not so, but we continue to live like this even though we know millions of people are suffering the serious consequences caused by our actions. The earth, seas and oceans are being destroyed by … Read more

Jacinta Gomez

Jacinta Gomez is Oceana’s Outreach and Project Director in Belize. Originally from Belize, Jacinta is committed to protecting Belize’s marine resources having spent much of her childhood on or near the water. In 2019, Jacinta received her M.S. in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics, for which she received the Chevening Fellowship. … Read more

Gillian Spolarich

Gillian grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, but found a love for the oceans by spending time on Florida’s gulf coast, snorkeling and collecting seashells every summer. She developed a passion for environmental protection and wildlife conservation while studying at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Communication, … Read more